Wednesday 16 March 2016

Visual Language: Evaluation

I've had mixed feelings about the content of this module. Overall I do not think the work I produced in response to the set briefs was to the highest of my ability, partially through my own fault and inability to manage my time effectively, but also because of the structure of the module itself. I feel that I treated the brief's in this module as unrelated, often putting them on the back burner to focus on other things, and as a result in the rush to meet the deadline, the work suffered. I also spent a disproportionately long time on some of the brief's compared to others, such as the character design and environmental storytelling briefs, which I were completed to a reasonably high standard, but also unfortunately serve to highlight the dip in quality when it comes to my other study tasks. I feel that the Set, Series, Sequence task, which due to poor time management was left until the last minute, felt rushed and did not demonstrate me working to my full potential. The self imposed time restraints also didn't really allow me to experiment of explore different styles to the extent I had hoped after identifying that as an area for improvement in my last brief.

On the flip side, I think a lot of time went into the Captain Character brief, which upon reflection I am satisfied with, but a lot of time was wasted redoing character sheets and stressing over the design. The same can be said for the Turnaround task, which while I am happy with, had to be redone to meet my standards after I was unhappy with the original final product. My blog posts this module were also a mixed bag. A lot of the time I felt I wasn't really engaging with the subject I was writing about, blogging to meet the specified criteria and as a result I feel the writing itself was disjointed and suffered.  Disjointed is probably how I felt about this module as a whole, as it felt like a series of disconnected studio brief's without some sort of through line holding it all together. It would have been nice if the briefs we had been working on related to one another somehow with an animation to work towards at the end.

One area which has seen improvement this module is my ability to take into account feedback to improve my work, as demonstrated by my blog posts detailing feedback and improvements to my character Turnaround. Towards the end of the module I also took steps to broaden the style of my output by using Illustrator for some of my Set, Series, Sequence in response to feedback I received criticising my overuse of certain media. These are areas which have seen improvement and hopefully will see more improvement in the upcoming modules. Time management is still an issue though and an area that I will continue to seek to amend.

In conclusion, this project has seen it's ups and downs and I'm glad to be moving on to other projects. While I feel the work I produced is satisfactory, I don't feel I really pushed myself with this module and will seek to take steps out of my comfort zone and experiment with different media in the CoP and Applied Animation modules before the end of the year.

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